Comedian Matt Ward comes to Charlotte




Knoxville-based comedian Matt Ward — who will perform at Petra’s Piano Bar & Cabaret this Thursday (Sept. 22) — doesn’t censor what comes out of his mouth. His ramblings about jerking off during episodes of Jersey Shore are proof (see video below).

Hiding out in the underground comedy scene for nearly five years, Ward has opened for a string of comedians, including Doug Stanhope and Kyle Kinane. Behind-the-scenes, he’s also organized Laughing for Life (an annual charity benefit for cancer), Crackers of Comedy (an indie comedy tour) and raised more than $10,000 for the Steve Haydu St. Patrick's Day Lo-Tide Run in Wilmington over the last three years.

After graduating with a degree in marketing, Ward aggressively began promoting, performing and producing music. His interest shifted to comedy after he started dabbling with stand-up at Nutt Street Comedy Room in Wilmington, NC.

In his current act, Ward jokes mostly about life. “My life is that of a white kid from a lower-middle class upbringing, that sold weed after high school to help pay the bills. I have been through some crazy things and I am not afraid to talk about them on stage,” says Ward. “I still smoke pot to this day, and it isn't a major part of my comedy, but I am definitely not afraid to talk about it or my involvement in other illegal activities in the past.”

Thursday's show will also feature performances by Charlotte comedians DeVan Penagar and Chris Layton. $5. Doors open at 8 p.m.; show starts at 9 p.m. Petra’s Piano Bar & Cabaret, 1919 Commonwealth Ave., Charlotte. 704-332-6608.