You've no doubt heard that Sarah Palin is preparing a movie about herself to help launch her presidential campaign. Over at Balloon Juice, they've come up with one of the funniest reader-participation ideas yet: Send in the name of the upcoming Sarah Palin film. Here are some of our favorites; check out the site for more.
From Here to Inanity
Citizen Vain
Red Yawn
Lost in Translation II
We’re Just Not That Into You
Chariots of Liar
From Within Sight of Russia With Love
Swindler’s List
The Lyin’, the Witch, and the Wardrobe
Jackass 4
The Woman Who Knew Too Little
True Grift
The Iquitarod
The Big Shill
Triumph of the Shrill
One Flew Out Of The Cuckoo’s Nest
Eternal Sunshine of the Clueless Mind
There Will Be Blood Libel
Bitch Blanket Bingo