How tight is your tech leash?


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Thanks to Caitlin Swan for the photo.
  • Thanks to Caitlin Swan for the photo.

Apparently it's tighter for women than men since we women, you know, care about humans — like the ones in our families — more than we care about technology, work and money.

Shocking revelation, I know.

The technological "leashes" to the workplace often take a toll on women, while men seem to skate by unscathed, according to a new study.

The results showed that women who experienced frequent work contact at home from cell phones, e-mail and other devices reported were twice as likely to report feelings of guilt compared with both men (regardless of work contact) and women who were never contacted at home.

Their analyses showed this guilt was responsible for increased levels of distress among women, but not men. It seems even though women's daily roles now encompass more than family- and home-based tasks, they still may feel the tug of this caregiving role.

"Initially, we thought women were more distressed by frequent work contact because it interfered with their family responsibilities more so than men," said lead researcher Paul Glavin, a doctoral candidate in sociology at the University of Toronto. "However, this wasn't the case. We found that women are able to juggle their work and family lives just as well as men, but they feel more guilty as a result of being contacted. This guilt seems to be at the heart of their distress."

Read the entire LiveScience article, by Natasha Allen, here.