Obama's achievements



Ever notice how folks like to harp on what the Obama administration hasn't done? What about pointing out what the administration has accomplished?

Enter ObamaAchievements.com. Here's what the site says their mission is:

This site is the preview version of our new Obama Achievements Center. It’s a work in progress and a labor of love — for our country.

We’re building a crowd-sourced compilation of the achievements of the Obama administration, with documentation for each achievement linked to it.

In today’s frenzied media zones, far too much time has been spent putting the spotlight on complaints while significant achievements are either ignored, not reported, or minimized.

The Achievements

Determined to change the media narrative to finally include the good works of this administration, a group of Twitter users got together under Shoq’s leadership and compiled a list of the achievements and promises of the Obama administration, with documented links to every item. It will be updated on an ongoing basis, as this President accumulates more successes and lasting reforms.

Defining what an achievement is in any administration, is itself an interesting issue. We decided that we would define it broadly to include executive orders,important legislation, and significant initiatives or outcomes of any kind, both foreign and domestic. We worked hard to screen out minor or subjective items whenever we had agreement on them. As anyone can see from this very impressive list, they weren’t needed.

We are a team of about 100 volunteers dedicated to countering the constant negative drumbeat of our mainstream media. In the past two years, over 400 steps forward have been taken by the Obama administration, yet the media continues to focus on the negative.

And, the really good news is this: You're encouraged to add to the list. Find out how here.

The site currently lists over 434 of the Obama administration's accomplishments, which is pretty impressive given the fact that the "Party of No" does its best to block everything on the president's agenda ... and, for what? To protect its own political interests and position. And, for some reason, our president is still trying to work with these yahoos.

Now, I ask, what have you accomplished since late January 2009?

Here's President Obama, in July of this year, talking about the gridlock in Washington:

And from the "Party of No." To sum up, "I want Barack Obama to fail," Rush Limbaugh.