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Move over Spinal Tap, Die Roten Punkte is on your tail. Visiting the Q.C. for performances at Booth Playhouse, from May 26-May 31, this German electro-synth pop duo — comprised of Berliners, Otto and Astrid Rot — is prepared to rock audiences into a rage of humor-driven hysteria. Take one look at their music video, "Ich Bin Nicht Ein Roboter (I’m A Lion)" posted below, and you’ll see what I mean. This song, along with others in the groups set, pegs a whole new meaning to ridiculous. But, that’s not the only exception. Wearing white make-up and smeared red lipstick across their faces, these ausländers (aka foreigners in German) are just asking to earn a title as clowns. Tickets are $29.50 and up. Show dates/times are as followed: May 26-28, 8 p.m.; May 29, 7p.m. & 10 p.m.; May 30-31, 8 p.m. Booth Playhouse is located at 130 N. Tryon St. For more information on the show, call 704-372-1000 or click here.