Let's burn some wood



ReVenture Park, part of the proposed Catawba River District, is hustling to get their biomass project shovel-ready in order to qualify for federal Stimulus funding. In order to reach their goal, they've got to enlist a little help from the suits in our government centers.

Forsite Development Inc. hopes to get started on a $300 million biomass plant at its proposed ReVenture Park by year end to qualify for $60 million in federal tax credits.

Forsite President Tom McKittrick said in a recent interview it will be a “mad dash to the finish line” to get started by then. “We think it’s doable, but we have significant miles to go.”

McKittrick made a presentation to county officials on progress at the renewable energy park Tuesday afternoon. He says the park as now projected would involve $922 million in investment and create 1,034 permanent jobs. That does not include the 800 construction jobs that would be created for the actual development of the various projects in the 667-acre park.

To reach that level of investment, the park would need other companies and government agencies to come in and develop targeted projects. They would include a $250 million wastewater treatment plant, a large-scale energy manufacturer and a biofeuls company.

It is part of his effort to drum up support with local officials even as his group lobbies the state’s Congressional delegation for federal support.

He said the county currently pays $21 a ton to dispose of 250 tons of garbage every day. Much of that garbage could be the fuel for the biomass plant.

Read the rest of this Charlotte Business Journal article, by John Downey and Susan Stabley, here.