Liberals kissing Kissell goodbye?


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A lot of liberals in North Carolina are mightily pissed off at Rep. Larry Kissell, but the new congressman doesn’t seem to care. N.C. progressives are furious, not to mention feeling duped, over Kissell’s vote against the House healthcare reform bill. N.C. liberals put in a lot of hours, effort and money to get Kissell elected and now feel deceived and angry. What’s making them doubly mad is that neither Kissell nor anyone on his staff is returning calls or messages from riled up former supporters. One progressive activist put it this way, on the BlueNC Web site: “As of last night not a single person I know had heard back related to his health care vote or anything else, for that matter. It is one thing to make a vote that one national analyst described as the second most confusing vote against the bill. It is another to not have the common courtesy to at least explain that vote to people who have given his campaign money in the past.” James Protzman, one of the founders of BlueNC, describes the disillusioned former Kissell supporters as “People who listened to his happy talk and bought it hook, line and sinker.” More to come, I’m sure.