This used to be his playground



His is truly a rag-to-riches story. Ken Lewis, son of a single mother, started his banking career at the bottom of the ladder -- after paying his own way through college -- and worked his way up to become king of Charlotte. And, now, in the midst of investigations spurred by the biggest economic snafu since the Great Depression, The Ken is waving goodbye.

For those who've been calling for his head, do you feel better now?

I'm guessing The Ken feels better. Maybe now he can relax. Maybe now he won't need a smile coach. For years he's made lottery-size salaries, so now, perhaps, he can enjoy his own bank account and live life like a rock star ... or a hermit, whatever floats his uber-rich boat. (Just remember, The Ken, the best things in life are always free.)

Meanwhile, the investigations continue, so this isn't the last we've heard from, or about, The Ken.

For those who haven't seen it yet, you should check out PBS' "Frontline" episode called "Breaking the Bank." Here are a couple clips:

The rising star, the smile coach, giving the finger to New York:

After the Merrill Lynch deal:

Further reading: Banking's rule: If you're not an asset, you're go ( Tomlinson)