TV torture talk



The Sunday talking-heads news shows became venues for wrangling over torture yesterday. First, former VP Dick Cheney spoke with FoxNews’ Chris “I Love You Man” Wallace, in a fawning interview that Atlantic magazine blogger Andrew Sullivan says was “like a teenage girl interviewing the Jonas Brothers.” During the interview, Cheney let the world know that Attorney General Eric Holder’s investigation of CIA torturers “offends the hell out of me,” to which you really want to reply, “Good, because you and your insane policies offended the hell out of most of the world for eight long, torturous years. What goes around, etc, etc.”

Next up, on CBS, Sen. John McCain — hardly a leftwing softie — said the use of torture not only doesn’t work, it violates international law and actually helps al-Qaeda recruit new members. McCain is opposed to Holder’s investigation, saying it would hurt CIA “morale and effectiveness,” but reiterated his story of a conversation he and Sen. Lindsey Graham had with an imprisoned "high-ranking member of al Qaeda," who told them that pictures of detainee abuse at Abu Ghraib had helped his organization "recruit thousands of young men."