Obama-rama Nude Blogging Part 5


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Today, I'm taking in the Inaugration of Barack Obama on my couch by watching every network. This is history.


10:21: So many people have been coming to the mall by Metro and one person was hit by a train, a 68-year-old woman. She's alive, but they don't know her condition. The main train has been shut down. There have been some heart attacks.

10:38: Spike Lee is glad to be there and he is wearing a Yankee's hat with flaps and fur. Lee is humble--for a change. Robin Roberts said her mom is in the crowd. Spike Lee said there has never been two days like this back to back in the history of this country.

A man in the crowd held up a sign that read, "Nov. 4, 2008: Mission Accomplished. Go Obama."

The crowd is well behaved according to ABC News.