John McCain picks a woman


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I guess the Republicans didn't want the Democrats to be the only ones with a historic presidential ticket.

Senator John McCain has chosen a woman as his running mate. And no, it's not Condi Rice.

Alaska Governor, Sarah Palin will run with McCain, according to

Palin, 44, who's in her first term as governor, is a pioneering figure in Alaska, the first woman and the youngest person to hold the state's top political job.

She catapulted to the post with a strong reputation as a political outsider, forged during her stint in local politics. She was mayor and a council member of the small town of Wasila and was chairman of the state Oil and Gas Conservation Commission, which regulates Alaska's oil and gas resources, in 2003 and 2004.

The conservative Palin defeated two so-called political insiders to win the governor's job -- incumbent Gov. Frank Murkowski in the GOP primary and former two-term Democratic Gov. Tony Knowles in the 2006 general election.

Palin made her name in part by backing tough ethical standards for politicians. During the first legislative session after her election, her administration passed a state ethics law overhaul.

Palin's term has not been without controversy. A legislative investigation is looking into allegations that Palin fired Alaska's public safety commissioner because he refused to fire the governor's former brother-in-law, a state trooper.

Palin acknowledged that a call was made by a member of her staff to a trooper in which the staffer suggested he was speaking for the governor.

She is also a life member of the NRA. Full Story

Some people may see this pick as hypocritical, since McCain's gripe against his Democratic opponent, Barack Obama, is his lack of experience. Because let's face it, McCain is 75 and he does have cancer -- a disease that there is no cure for. This woman could end up as commander in chief. Will she be ready to answer the phone at 3 a.m.?

And then there are those who may say he picked this woman to appeal to the whiny, stupid , can't let shit go Hillary Clinton supporters who claim they'd rather vote for McCain than Obama because Clinton lost in the primary. (Even though the only thing McCain and Clinton have in common is the color of their skin.)

Whatever the reason for the pick, McCain has also made history.

God Bless America and no one else.