CNN's Black in America and what the viewers think



If you watch CNN or read the Cable News Network's web site, they you know there was this series on this week titled "Black In America." Touted as a year long investigation that was supposed to show what it really means to be black in America, it actually shows a lot more than that. It also shows how many people are "racist in America."

Let's take a look at what some CNN viewers had to say about the program from


Slavery is your excuse!!! How many years ago was that!!!! Most "african-americans" have many more opportunities than "people living in a white world" have!

If you want equality, you need to pull yourself up by your bootstraps and make a life for yourself and not wait for someone to," oh I'm sorry that your ancestors were's a free ride!"

Have a nice day!


updated Fri July 25, 2008

I'm tired of black people whining all the time. Good grief. Get over it already


updated Fri July 25, 2008

Being white in America is just as tough as being black. Of course the color of your skin will continue to be an issue if you make it so. Just because you are a suspect of a crime doesn't mean it's because it's because you're black. If I heard the cops were looking for a 5' 9" white guy, I'd probably be nervous, too. It doesn't make it any more significant because you're a negro.


updated Fri July 25, 2008

Blacks need to stop playing the victim card if they really want equal treatment from society.


updated Fri July 25, 2008

Come on! This is all I have to say...another black person complaining about how racial profiliing is so bad. Now I do not hold anything against black people or have any racial feelings tawrds them but, I have had enough! Its statistics...Look it up black people comit the most crimes in America so I can understand when people get a little distressed when they are alone with a black person. With all of the things going wrong in our world, like a priest shooting a man with a crossbow over roadrage who would't be a little weary about our world and the people who inhabbit it. Just get over it.


updated Fri July 25, 2008

I would think over one hundred years is long enough to stop blaming slavery for your problems. Just a thought


updated Fri July 25, 2008

More whining about living in the greatest country with the most opportunity. The Asian people in my community don't complain. They work hard, they save, they appreciate living in America. All we get from blacks is how hard it is, how bad it is, how much the white man keeps them down. Stop complaining and make something of yourself.


updated Fri July 25, 2008

All I hear is whine, whine, whine. 'Poor pitiful me, it's all because I'm black.' I agree, look at the history, look at the past, for God's sake, look at the present!!! Who are the ones committing most of the crimes? That's not bigotry, that's statistics!


updated Fri July 25, 2008

ENOUGH ALREADY CNN! Blacks have it rough.....we get it! Man, what I wouldn't give to be a young, black, educated female this day and time! The world is at their feet! Stop making excuses and step up to lead and succeed!!!


updated Fri July 25, 2008

A 1000 years from now, blacks will still be bringing up "whoa is me, I am a victim of slavery from over a 1000 years ago". Guess who sold blacks into slavery? Other black tribes from Africa. Stop blaming whitey and pick yourself up by your own boot straps. IF it was white people with blonde hair and blue eyes committing 90% of the crime, they would be the ones profiled.


updated Fri July 25, 2008