PETA vs. Charlotte carnivores



It seems like People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (aka PETA) is pissed at Charlotte's meat-eating community. Check out the press release they just sent:


Sexy Ad to Air in 'Fattest City' Charlotte During World Vegetarian Week

Charlotte, N.C. — Showing off her fit, veggie-powered body, sexy Alicia Silverstone goes au naturel in a brand-new TV ad campaign promoting the health benefits of vegetarianism. The ad is aimed at reminding residents of Charlotte—which was named one of America's fattest cities by Men's Fitness magazine—that going vegan is the best way to get slim and stay healthy.

"I'm Alicia Silverstone, and I'm a vegetarian," Silverstone says as she emerges naked from a swimming pool and reveals how going vegetarian does a body good. "There's nothing in the world that's changed me as much as this. I feel so much better and have so much more energy."

Vegetarians weigh on average 10 to 20 pounds less than meat-eaters. Consumption of meat and other animal products has been conclusively linked to heart disease, diabetes, several types of cancer, and, of course, obesity. Eating meat is also responsible for the daily suffering and deaths of billions of animals who are deprived of everything that's natural and important to them on factory farms. Animals are often still conscious as they are dismembered in slaughterhouses.

The 30-second ad will air in Charlotte on WCNC-TV (NBC) during the Tonight show through May 30. Initially set to run in the morning, one of the station's managers made a last-minute change. In an e-mail to PETA, the manager wrote, "The Alicia Silverstein spot has more 'bare-skin' than we are comfortable with for daytime programming …." The ad was directed by Dave Meyers, who has directed more than 180 music videos, including rapper Missy Elliott's groundbreaking "Work It" video, which won MTV's "Best Video of the Year" award. Meyers also directed the video for Elliott's Grammy Award winning "Lose Control."

"Charlotte's love affair with meat is making its residents fat and unhealthy," says PETA's Manager of Vegan Campaigns Lindsay Rajt. "If the good people of Charlotte want to lose their 'spare tires' and get on the road to good health, the best thing that they can do is go vegetarian."

For more information and to view the ad, please visit PETA's Web site