Tuesday night primaries



The democratic primary race continues on to West Virginia. The Tuesday night primaries in Indiana and North Carolina dealt a blow to the Clinton campaign that she might not be able to recover from.

Obama continued to hold his lead in delegate count after his decisive victory in North Carolina, and his very narrow loss in Indiana. CNN called the North Carolina election for Obama at 7:30 p.m. eastern time with zero percent of the polls reporting, based simply on exit polling where at the time 92 percent of African-Americans voted for Obama.

Indiana was another story. Clinton held a sizeable lead for a majority of the night while precincts reported their numbers. But as it got later into the night, the margin began to close. Pundits wouldn’t make a prediction until Lake County had sent in their numbers. It was after midnight when the Indiana primary was called for Clinton by a mere 2-point margin and as little as 20,000 votes.

Clinton supporters are on to the next race, hoping that their candidate can pull of the miraculous round of victories she needs to catch up to Obama in delegate count, and persuade super delegates that Obama is losing strength, and she should win the nomination.

Scenarios were splashed across America’s TVs last night of how Clinton could possibly win the nomination, while others stated that the math simply isn’t in Clinton's favor no matter what she does.

Both Candidates made speeches to their constituents last night: Obama with a renewed confidence, and a direct attack on McCain, and Clinton with optimism, but the looks on Bill's and Chelsea’s faces said it all.

With another super Tuesday behind us, Obama will focus on sticking to his message and holding his own, while Clinton will do her best to find a way to have the votes for Florida and Michigan counted, try to keep her campaign financially a float by loaning herself $ 6.4 million and convince the super delegates that she is the best woman for the job.