Young person's rant



I am pissed. I am mad as hell and I have no choice but to continue to take it. Bend over and smile. Yes, I am talking about the outrageous gas prices, food prices, and what it takes in general to live.

Now I can understand maybe high prices on new cars or vacations or things that if we had to we could live without. But who in the hell thought that it was a good idea to raise the price of things people need to live? There is absolutely no reason it should cost me $60 to fill up a Toyota Camry!  I am also paying out the ass for groceries, which leaves no room for me to go out and let my hair down. There are only so many nights a girl can stay in with her friends without going stir crazy.

I am getting really fed up with tightening my purse strings while the mega rich feel no pain. I was watching on CNN this morning that the luxury goods market is booming. The reporter was sitting on the private jet of some multimillionaire who sat smirking as he said, “Recession ... what recession?" I swear I wanted to reach through the television and knock his smug ass out. The recession where I am struggling to make ends meet, counting every penny, and trying to be as financially responsible as I can. If I am having trouble as a single woman, I can only imagine what a family is going through.

Maybe it's because I am young and never have really had to bear down on myself financially before. But I always thought growing up that as long as I was willing to work hard, all my needs would be taken care of. But I am working hard, and I find myself barely treading water. I am supposed to be saving for a new car but that’s not happening now. How am I supposed to get ahead when I am struggling just to maintain?

I am just one young person in this country. One who is fed up with Democrats and Republicans saying that they will help but never seem to get anything done. All I can do is vent my frustrations in this rant. So, I am writing this because I’ve got no other way to vent of the anger I feel. I am writing because I am pissed. I am mad as hell and I have no choice but to take it.