Long live Lindsay?



This week, semi-nude photos of Lindsay Lohan dressed up like Marilyn Monroe appeared in New York Magazine. In it she blames the media for the recent death of Heath Ledger,

while willingly participating in a photo shoot that likens her to a fallen movie star.  She states that she will not suffer the same fate as Ledger or Monroe.  Spoken like a true 20-year-old that has made a string of mistakes and still believes in her invincibility.  Playing dress up as an icon does not make you one, nor does it make you a woman.  With the habits that Lohan has developed as a young person, she will be lucky to not end up on a cold slab at a young age.  One trait that she must she must work on developing is accountability. It is not the media that makes one take drugs and engage in wild and reckless behavior. It is the person, and unfortunately the media captures it.  Until she is willing to accept her role in her demise, she will continue to behave badly.  It is this same attitude — what happened to me is  everybody else's fault— that leads to the kind of negative outcomes that she is experiencing. Plenty of people grow up with screwed up families, parents who have not got a clue, and under a lot of pressure, albeit not that of a star. However, many of these people do not do drugs, abuse alcohol or go in and out of rehab.  If Lindsay wants to be taken seriously as an adult, then she should stop dressing up like one, and actually be one.