Mark Ortiz Fundraiser



Speaking of good causes (see below), friends of Mark Ortiz have put together a bike ride to raise money for him. Ortiz, who ran in the Democratic primary to unseat U.S. Rep. Robin Hayes, was struck by a hit-and-run driver Nov. 6 while driving in Harrisburg. The accident left him with broken ribs, broken vertebrae, a broken pelvis, and a long recovery ahead. He's now at Carolinas Medical Center, where he's finally been moved out of intensive care.

The 15-mile bicycle ride is scheduled for 10 a.m. on Nov. 23 in Concord. Folks are supposed to gather at the Sweet Pea Cafe and Restaurant, 22 Union St.

Mark is an ardent bicyclist and is involved in Concord's Drinking Liberally, a social group where people, uh, drink liberally. I've seen him a few times at the Charlotte branch's meetings. You can find updates on his condition here. Left on 49 also has some info.