The Horror!



Just in time for Halloween, the Rotten Tomatoes Web site has released its list of the Top 50 Horror Movies. RT has gotten in the habit of releasing lists every few months on a variety of subjects (50 Worst of 2006, 53 Top Sports Movies, etc.), but since the compilations are based on the reviews posted on the site, they naturally skew heavily toward more recent fare, seriously ignoring far too many older classics. The horror list shows that discrepancy: A few vintage gems like Psycho managed to get included in the Top 10, but more recent fare like Shaun of the Dead bumped out more legitimate titles like 1941’s The Wolf Man and 1973’s The Exorcist.

At any rate, the entire list can be found at

Here are the Top 10:


1. Psycho (1960)

2. King Kong (1933)

3. Shaun of the Dead (2004)

4. Rosemary’s Baby (1968)

5. The Devil’s Backbone (2001)

6. 28 Days Later (2003)

7. The Evil Dead (1979)

8. The Bride of Frankenstein (1935)

9. Evil Dead 2: Dead By Dawn (1987)

10. Repulsion (1965)