Jesus is in My Five!



by Rudy Giuliani

So everyone keeps harping on my decision to answer a call from my wife while I was addressing the N.R.A. Big deal. Some calls you just don’t miss. Know who else I always have time for? My BFF Jesus.

Seriously. I always have time for J.Chri’s calls. I know certain people have concerns about that, so I think it’s time we went public. We even have our own celebrity nickname: Giules-us! So cute, right?

I mean, just last week when I was addressing Liberty University, Jesus texted me. What am I gonna do, not respond? Hell no! In fact, check it out yourself:

JC: What up?

9/11 4 EVA: S’up, playa!

JC: You’re killing it!

9/11 4 EVA: ;)

JC: i luv u.

9/11 4 EVA: OMG. LOL!!!

See? I’m just a man with his priorities in order and . . . Hold on a sec. Pro-life just paged me. I should take this.

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