Nice Name ...


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I thought the worst name for a product had to be Anusol -- which looks like Anus Oil. But then again, it is used to treat hemorrhoids.

But, have you seen the commercial for the new acid reflux medication? It's called "Aciphex."

It might not look like much, until you hear that it's pronounced "as-i-fecks" ... which sounds like "ass effects."

You can't make this stuff up. I'm just waiting for the skit on Saturday Night Live:

"Honey, it sounds like we're in a jungle."

"No, dear. Actually, I had to pass gas and that's just my Aciphex. Here, let me see if I can make it sound like rain ..."

That's right ... no more embarrassing fart noises for you. Instead, take Aciphex and you'll get ass effects that sound like you're in a jungle, a busy street or maybe even sound like there's a wild animal nearby.

"Those refried beans I had a lunch were going to be a nightmare at work, but thanks to Aciphex, everyone thinks there's a monkey loose in the office. Thanks, Aciphex!"

Warning: Aciphex is not responsible for sound effects such as a fire bell that happen in a crowded room. Break wind at your own risk.