Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Saying one thing, screwing another

Posted By on Wed, Sep 5, 2007 at 10:43 AM

Today's abstinence-only education news comes to us from South Carolina, where researchers have yet again found that telling kids sex is bad doesn't work:

The study found that students who took the supplemental courses were significantly more likely to support abstinence messages and to say they expected to abstain from sex at least through high school, if not until marriage, compared with students who did not take the courses. However, the study found that 40% of both groups reported having sex at least once and did not differ in the age they first had sex or their number of sexual partners.

(Kaiser Family Foundation)

So, kids adopted the holier-than-thou view of sexual chastity but then messed around anyway. Sounds like they're well on their way to being members of Congress, or at least right-wing political consultants.

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Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Myrick the anti-jihadist

Posted By on Tue, Sep 4, 2007 at 8:29 AM

Rep. Sue Myrick's scoring points with her base again. The Washington Times reported last week she was one of two members of Congress who signed a letter condemning the Justice Department's sponsorship of the Islamic Society of North America's annual convention.

The ISNA has been named an unindicted co-conspirator in an ongoing terrorist funding case in Dallas. Muslim organizations have opposed the naming, which linked hundreds of Muslim groups to the Holy Land Foundation for Relief and Development. The HLF is accused of funding Hamas.


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Temperature still rising

Posted By on Tue, Sep 4, 2007 at 8:12 AM


— Cartoon by Jim Hunt


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