Show Them The Money



The first third of 2007 is in the books, and at the box office, it was business as usual. As in most years, there were a few out-and-out hits, a handful of decent moneymakers and a wide array of low earners or out-and-out flops.

Of course, the box office will enjoy its usual spike with the highly lucrative summer movie season, which begins this Friday with the release of Spider-Man 3. In the meantime, here's a look at the Top 10 moneymakers from the January-April time frame.

1. 300 - $206 million

2. Wild Hogs - $158 million

3. Ghost Rider - $115 million

4. Blades of Glory - $108 million

5. Norbit - $95 million

6. Meet the Robinsons - $88 million

7. Bridge to Terabithia - $81 million

8. Stomp the Yard - $61 million

9. TMNT - $53 million

10. Disturbia - $52 million
