There's a new LGBT bar in South End named Cathode (CATH-OWED) Azure (AZ-YOUR), and although the name eludes me, the bar is absolutely something new and different. This soon-to-be hotspot, located at 1820 South Blvd #106, is the lovechild of owner Doug Lemmone and his partner and their desire to bring the smooth and sexy vibe of South Beach to Charlotte.
Not surprisingly, there was no shortage of ridiculously good looking people to ogle, and the environment was also conducive for conversation. The layout and ambiance make this is a great spot to meet friends and relax... but then also boogie on furniture if the mood strikes. Doug and crew have managed to successfully create the Miami experience in North Carolina, and it certainly holds up to their concept of providing a refreshing something new and different. Weird name, grand place.