Fact: One of the more annoying consequences of staying out late dancing is the laryngitis that you experience the following morning from having to scream to communicate with friends, place your drink order, hit on that cutie cute guy or gal, etc., over the thumping music.
Luckily, the geniuses at Silent Disco have eradicated this problem for the booty shaking people of Charlotte with their concept, being hosted at The Pavilion (located at the EpiCentre) on Friday nights this month. Admittedly the concept is strange, but the brilliance is irrefutable.
Upon arrival, you receive a pair of nifty wireless headphones, through which the live DJ is pumping his or her music. The sound quality is impeccable and with the headphones on, there is no audible differentiation from being in a traditional nightclub. The beauty of this brainchild is that the once the headphones are muted or removed, you can actually carry on a conversation with others, understand people's names when they are introduced to you, and salvage your vocal chords from the typical beat down to the sound of backbeats.
The only real pitfall of Silent Disco is the newness of it all. Much of the crowd seemed hesitant to participate, or embarrassed to let loose. It is a wee bit awkward knowing that you look like a crazy hobo dancing to your own mental band, to the folks not wearing the headphones. Although initially "different," this method of party is spreading like wildfire internationally, and Charlotte will catch on in time. It sometimes takes us a little longer, but we'll get there. We're hip ... we like to dance.
If you are interested in sampling some Silent Disco action, and you should be, break out your glow sticks and hop over to the EpiCentre this Friday for the last installment of the summer. The DJ starts at 8 p.m. and goes until roughly 12:30 a.m. For more information, visit the Facebook page.