Floral bouquets have filler flowers, radio shows have filler music, newspapers have filler ads … and in some cases, women have filler men and men have filler women.
Fillers exist to add a little something in order to cover or mask a bare area. Men serve that purpose for women who have yet to settle down, the itch to, but refuse to settle. And women serve that purpose for men who want a woman's touch, but without keeping his hands full.
Because what's the point of making a commitment to someone unless you see a future with them? But then again, what's the point of filling your time with a carnation and not leaving space for a rose?
Instant gratification isn't always the most gratifying.
Whether you need someone to keep your feet warm at night or hook up your new flat screen to your X-Box Kinect, the filler can fill whatever void the single person has.
It’s a lackadaisical relationship — one for which you can make an option rather than a priority.
But they're about as pointless as carnations and background noise. Why not fill your time with people that will affect your future? Oh, I don't know, like YOURSELF! Call me crazy, but I'd much rather be alone doing things that will enhance my future than waste my time with some filler guy who I can't see having a future with.
Besides, you don't want to be too busy with Mr. Right Now when Mr. Right comes along, do you? Do you want to be filled with love, or just fill the void?
You are enough to fill your bouquet. And if it is full of carnations, pick the weeds and make room for a rose.