Define "dating."
When someone says "I am dating ____ (insert name)," it could mean they are boyfriend-girlfriend, they are going to the movies and out to eat on a consistent basis, they are going home together after the bars, or they're just doing the horizontal hump. Basically, dating could entail anything more than friends — without benefits at least.
So what in the hell is dating exactly? Is it how you coin a relationship, or just a PC way of saying "fucking"? Can someone please explain it to me so when I talk about my relations I know how to "DTR" (Define The Relationship) ... because that's hard to do when I can't even define dating.
I wanted to know what you thought dating is defined, so I asked via my Facebook page, and here are some of the responses I got from my request to define dating ...
Constantine: You don't want me to do that. Haha
Brett: That's a tough one! When people ask "are you two dating?" they are usually asking if you are in a relationship. However, dating can also mean you are just "testing" the waters with people because you are hanging out with multiple people.
Stephen: Dinner, or something fun to see how you act around each other trying to figure out if you want to take it to a full relationship. A good way to get to know someone see how open they are with you
Jason: Dating = Effing
Justin: Brett is right. Depends on context. I think most often it means people are getting exclusive with each other. But that leaves some shades of gray in there.
K Paul: Depends on if you're talking carbon or core.
Jeff: What happens before you are exclusive with someone and in a relationship ...
Paul: I always thought it meant counting the rings in my thighs.
Sean: In the South it means you're in relationship. Up North it means what it should, that you are free to date other people. The Northern definition is better ... and smarter.
Eric: Going out with one person or several different people. A social behavior where a person chooses to spend their leisure time exclusively with one person or not.
Reece: It's what I would like to do with you!
Bailie Ann: Using ice core samples to determine air quality in the Jurassic period.
Jodi: A dance between two people. It is a skill that is developed and not something that one is just automatically good at. There is an art to not only keeping a partner, but showing them why they want to keep you. You either do the tango or fall flat on your face.
Matthew: The method by which one figures out if produce, milk or other perishables is edible.
Jeff: When a guy spends alot of $ and then gets shot down
So you see, dating is everything from determining the shelf life of produce to testing ice core samples, to effing, to spending money on a girl that won't eff you, to dancing, to simply being with another person (but define "with").
I guess dating is really defined by our own standard. What matters is how you define your own relationship.