Style Night Out: Save the Date! 9/13/12


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If you attended Fashion's Night Out last year at the Metropolitan, you know what a treat that was for Charlotte's fashion obsessed. I'm talking 26 local boutiques, salons, makeup artists, 120 models and over 1,800 guests.

Instagram shot from last years event

FNO is a global initiative created by the fashion industry's biggest influencers, CFDA and Vogue Magazine. Now in its 4th year, this event continues to create awareness for neighborhood boutiques while bringing the community together to support these businesses in the most stylish way.

I attended FNO at the Met in 2011, which was THE most popular of all FNO events held in the city, and even had an opportunity to grace the stage myself. As a pre-host of the fashion show, I was able to get a bird's eye view of everything, and let me tell you, the experience was simply electric. I had no idea just how many fashionable men and women there are in the Q.C. From boutique owners, models and stylists to local celebrities, Charlotte socialites and the trendy "gal-about-town," they all came out to play dressed in their chic-est looks.

This year, instead of celebrating FNO on Sept 6th during the undeniable chaos that is sure to takeover the city during the Democratic National Convention, Charlotte will have its very own night of style. Introducing ... the Queen City's 1st Annual "Style Night Out."

Style Night Out was created by local trendsetter and producer of FNO at the Met (2011), Effie Loukas. SNO will be the mirror image of FNO (with the exception of the date change) and will encompass the same energy as last year's celebration. But, if you know Loukas like I do, it will be even bigger and better.

For 2012, SNO will be at held Morrison Shopping Center in SouthPark on Thursday, Sept. 13, so be sure to mark your calendars. With 37 local boutiques participating and 148 models this year, it's gonna be a not-to-be-missed event!

For more event information and to find out when tickets will be available, log on to

T. Strong is a TV personality, personal stylist and fashion journalist who contributes commentary on Creative Loafing's Klepto blog in addition to writing for several other national media organizations. To learn more visit or follow therealtstrong on Twitter.