Fashion and horses: A day at The Queen's Cup Steeplechase



The Queen's Cup Steeplechase is the premiere horse race event to attend if you live in and around The Queen City. Mineral Springs is just a short drive away, and I promise you, the experience is well worth it. There's tailgating, Jack Russell terrier races, pony rides for the kids, lots of fashion to take in and of course, six exciting horse races that you can actually bet on if you're feeling a little lucky.


Each year, the tailgate/table decor competition heats up, but what excites US is the best hat contest. This year this stylish lady took home the grand prize. Awesome right? I think she was channeling Lady Gaga.


She's not the only one who pulled out their best hats and duds. Check out this guy unabashedly wearing THE color of the season. He must have checked out my post on spring style as colored pants was one of the ultimate must haves for men and women.


This attendee really believes in coordinating and she did a fabulous job of it! She actually made the hat herself!


And these guys were not be out done by the ladies. They even pulled out the bow ties and pageboy hats.


I would be remiss if I didn't shout out the ladies who in their various styles of hats, made my day an absolute pleasure! Stylishly enjoying out picnic in the grass, this has easily, as you can see, become an event we want to attend annually and you should too! I can hardly wait for Queens Cup 2013!


T. Strong is a TV personality, personal stylist and fashion journalist who contributes commentary on Creative Loafing's Klepto blog in addition to writing for several other national media organizations. To learn more visit or follow therealtstrong on Twitter.