Last night, I took my 6-year-old daughter out for a fashion lesson at the Mint Museum (Randolph Road). I figured, a young lady is never too young to learn the lessons of Coco Chanel, and I was right. In attendance for the interactive lecture, led by Nicole Sinclair, the founder of Style Sanctum, were women of almost every age.
Then, it was off for a guided tour of the Chanel: Designs for the Modern Woman exhibit, led by curator Charles Mo, featuring fashions that date back to circa 1925 and some looks designed in the early 2000s.
Just as I had hoped, my little "mini stylemayvin" noticed the timeless elegance of the Chanel brand by pointing out, when looking at a piece more than 30 years her senior, "This looks like the suits Grandma wears." I explained, with a proud Mommy smile, that as Coco herself has said, "Fashion fades, only style remains the same." Meanwhile, I made a mental note to "borrow" a few of my mother's suits. I spotted quite a few of the Queen City's most fashionable ladies at the event and by all accounts, it was the perfect girls night out activity.
The Chanel exhibit, as a part of the Mint Museum's Historic Costume & Fashionable Dress Collection, can be viewed until Dec. 31.
T. Strong is a TV personality, personal stylist and fashion journalist who contributes commentary on Creative Loafing’s Klepto blog in addition to writing for several other national media organizations. To learn more visit or follow “therealtstrong” on Twitter.