Support in style: Extreme Makeover for the Woman's Soul



There's nothing like a girls weekend of style, and when it's benefiting a very worthy cause, how can you say no? There are tons of fashionable events going on this weekend, which reminds me that Charlotte has become a super stylish city but also still one that believes in giving back.


This weekend, I've been invited to come out and enjoy the festivities with Soul Makeover Charlotte at the Ballantyne Resort. It's two days, jam packed with fun! On Friday, April 29, guests will enjoy a spa soiree. Then on Saturday, the empowerment luncheon and Stiletto Challenge. Now that sounds like a good time. For the challenge, attendees are required to wear their stilettos with a required 4-inch heel or higher in support of Fibromyalgia. There are so many women who suffer from this disease and it's a fabulous idea to have those ladies who still can get out there and strut their stuff for those ladies who cannot. Get your tickets today for an "Extreme Makeover for the Woman's Soul."

T. Strong is a TV personality, personal stylist and fashion journalist who contributes commentary on Creative Loafing’s Klepto blog in addition to writing for several other national media organizations. To learn more visit or follow “therealtstrong” on Twitter.