Gosh, have I told you folks about how bad I am about dropping my iPhone? The last one I had, I managed to crack the screen all the way down the middle. No bueno!
In honor of Earth Day, here's an iPhone (or iPod) case that you must get from Vers.
According to the site, these cases are very renewable: "For every tree we use, we replant 100 through our partnership with The Arbor Day Foundation and the US Forrestry Service to re-forrest areas damaged by fire and other natural disasters."
As far as protection goes, (which is a big deal if you paid the full price on this bad boy!) you really can't beat some hard wood. "Wood is tough stuff - it’s nature’s version of carbon fiber. Naturally rigid and impact-resistant, when reinforced with steel pins, it’s serious protection for your iPod/iPhone."
Want to order this snazzy, Earth-friendly product? Visit www.versaudio.com. (The closest retail spot to snag this case is in Sanford, N.C. — 90-something miles away!)