Upcoming: FiFi's Fine Resale Diva Night


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If you've never gone consignment shopping, this monthly event might be a good way to get into it.

FiFi's Fine Resale, located in good ol' Lake Norman, hosts a monthly Diva Night, where you can enjoy wine, treats, sales and special guests. According to a newsletter, this month's guests are:

Kim Hanley will be on site with the Wrap Fat product. That's right, she promises dramatic, lasting results in just 45 minutes! This product has long been feature in Hollywood, let's see if it works for us. Kim will have samples with her so we can pick one area and see the awesome results ourselves. Check out the before and afters at www.WrapFatLoss.com.

It gets better...Stephanie Feldman will be here as well. Stephanie's company offers great tiedyed and burn out tees for the entire family. She will be on site with a trunk show for the evening. Check her out at www.cutiepatootiecreations.com.

FiFi's Fine Resale

8301-7 Magnolia Estates Drive, Cornelius
