Intermix closing its Southpark location




A little Twitter bird told us that Intermix in Southpark is closing. A quick phone call to the store confirms the rumor. No definite date has been released, and there won't be one of those "sad to see you go but look at the great deal I got on your 'going out of business' sale" sale.

According to a Charlotte Business Journal article back in 2008, Intermix Chief Executive Khajak Keledjian opened the Charlotte location, in addition to at least four others, based off where their customers were: "The Web site really was a great gauge. We saw purchases, and it told us that there are a lot of customers from the Carolinas. And the success of the Atlanta store also was interesting -- it's the same mentality here. And the fact that Charlotte is really taking off attracted us."

If you love Intermix, hurry up and visit before it's too late!