Gift Guide: For the college student



Ahh, college. Don't you miss it sometimes? Well, I guess you don't if you're still going, like our intern Nicole Pietrantonio. While she's not your traditional party-like-a-rock-star college chick, she's still pretty cool. Here is her list of holiday gift ideas for the traditional college girl or gal.

N-Ice Rack Beer Pong Freezer Set: No one likes the taste of warm beer. The beer pong rack not only keeps brews cold throughout the game but helps hold the cups in place so they don’t get tipsy. ($19.99)


Clocky Alarm Clock On Wheels: Can’t get your ass out of bed in the morning? These clocks will have you up and running in no time. You can hit snooze only once before the alarm sounds for a second time and rolls itself off of your desk. ($50)

Violight Toothbrush Sanitizers: If you live in a dorm you can only imagine what your dorm mates will do with your toothbrush. Nasty. The traveling toothbrush sanitizer makes a great gift for college students who never know where their toothbrush might end up. ($30)


College Party Fund Jar: Because it takes a decent stash to throw a crazy bash! ($14.95)

Bar Games Drink Coasters: Who knew coasters could be used for something other than dust collectors? Hand your guests coasters as they walk in and choose from 30 games to play. Makes a good conversation starter and hey …  might even use it as a coaster. ($12.99)