Best I’ve Had All Week: Daffin’s Candies Chocolate



Easter has become another holiday/religious celebration where candy is a necessity. But the milk chocolate I look for on Easter is the one from my mother’s hometown in western Pennsylvania.

Daffin’s is one of the candy companies almost lost to the U.S. – a regional outpost of hand decorated chocolates. In my family, the eight ounce chocolate eggs, dotted with small pastel-colored flowers, is a family tradition. Years ago these eggs were excessively decorated with multiple flowers and a ribbon of hard chocolate sealing the shell. Today these eggs have one flower. However, while the appearance has changed, the taste has not. Each American chocolate company has a subtle variation in smoothness and flavor.

Daffin’s chocolate is not the bitingly sweet flavor profile of some factory made chocolates. Plus at Easter, Daffin’s wraps their popular small chick and bunny chocolates in colorful printed foil. Daffin’s does not – nor have they ever made artisanal (all hand made) chocolates - but this is the chocolate of everyone’s American youth.