Like many people in Charlotte, I had a nasty cold and cough last week. To counteract the effects, I made the chicken noodle soup which my kids – and some friends – believe to have magical properties. However chicken noodle soup (not the canned version) has been thought to be curative by such diverse cultures as Chinese and Jewish. Even with a head cold and hacking cough, anyone can make this soup:
Into a large stockpot pot filled with cold water add one organic chicken; several parsnips, peeled and cut into three inch sections; a handful of peeled organic carrots; an onion studded with at least ten cloves; a handful of parsley – stems and all; a generous dose of sea salt; and freshly ground pepper. Boil this for several hours; then strain, saving the broth in one large bowl.
I cut up any chicken and vegetables that are somewhat whole and add this to the broth. In a separate pot, boil the egg noodles (any shape, wide or regular), and drain. To serve, place some noodles into the bottom of a bowl and then ladle the soup. In many languages, like Arabic, the toast before eating is saha, which means to your continued good health.