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Weekly horoscope

Sept. 3 — Sept. 9, 2008



Virgo the Virgin: (Aug. 22-Sept. 22)

Here you are, beginning year #2 of developing a new identity in the world. At this point the heavy work and effort is beginning to yield returns. Congratulations. Stick to this program and you will accomplish something significant. Love life is pleasurable.

For All Signs: Beginning on Sept. 3 Mercury moves into what is called its "shadow" pattern. Mercury will not be officially retrograde until the 24th, but as it slows motion we will begin to feel the effects: mistaken communications, computer snafus, lost messages, schedule confusion, etc. Be aware that whatever projects we begin at this time may require two months to finish.

Aries: Either you or partner is edgy about an upcoming plan. It would be easy to follow your enthusiasm right over the edge of a cliff. Although you are anxious to begin, careful checking of the details is in your best interest. Now is not the time to enter into any type of risky venture.

Taurus: It appears that in the next few weeks you may be getting some new equipment with which to manage your daily work. The upcoming equipment will slow down your process for a time and you'll wish you had thought about it in advance.

Gemini: At the beginning of the week you may have so many things on your mind that the details get fuzzy. If it is important to hold onto specific information, do yourself a favor and write it down. Later in the week your thoughts will be sharper and more focused.

Cancer: This is a week of comfort and pleasant experiences. No great dramas, and it seems everything is in its right place for now. You are enjoying your regular routine. Partner is happy, too, because of an upswing in his/her activities and desires.

Leo: If you have been doing your job, your financial picture is now organized and you are clear about how to manage this territory in the next few months. Investments are in solid territory and you can feel positive about any moves you have made in that department. If you were seeking a job, you probably have found it.

Libra: This is an extraordinarily busy week. Your mind is racing, the phone is ringing, and new ideas are flowing. Mercury is beginning to slow down to a retrograde position in your sign. Ideas that look great now may have flaws that turn up later. Think carefully before saying "Yes!"

Scorpio: Let yourself be led by the "signs," circumstances, and people around you. It is not a time to attack in anger or initiate new ideas, but to respond to what comes your way. It could require a lot of self-discipline to keep from initiating this week, but you will be glad later that you waited.

Sagittarius: You are reaping benefits of a work well done during this period. Perhaps there will be an experience that makes this very clear this week or next. A major change related to career that you made about a year ago, is showing signs of success and progress.

Capricorn: You can see the positive results of a project you have worked on for at least a year. Legalities and rules that have been a deterrent seem to be melting away. The authorities now grant you due respect. Business is good and things are moving forward again.

Aquarius: You have a public mission during this year, and a desire to make your story heard. During this month there will be many opportunities to share with others and they with you. The world in general is searching for your kind of idealistic vision of the future.

Pisces: You and your partner are doing well during this period. Your focus is more on the practical than the romantic, but that is OK with you at this time. Partner may be enjoying the fruits of success this week. Watch your investments carefully.

Are you interested in a personal horoscope? Vivian Carol may be reached at 704-366-3777 for private psychotherapy or astrology appointments. Web site: