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Weekly horoscope Sept. 22-28



Libra The Scales (Sept. 22-Oct. 22): There is likely a crisis of decision in front of you. The subject matter is about property and family matters. It is an old issue, returning for review. At depth the most important factor is who you really are now and where you belong. Pretense no longer becomes you.

For All Signs: The span of years between 2008 and 2015 are challenging indeed. Within that span, we have points of significant tension near each of the solstices and equinoxes. We have the autumnal equinox on Sept. 22 followed by the full moon on the 23rd. These are periods in which multiple planets are in 90 or 180-degree relationships to the sun. The effect on earth is like having static energy in the air that irritates our minds with an invisible energy. So we are all living with one degree or another of agitation or depression. Unless we control it, an event or challenging situation may cause us to overreact with explosions of emotion. We are less willing to search for compromise or points of agreement in our human relations. We chafe against authority. At worst, we may lose our trust of life's goodness. We have tools at our disposal. First, stay conscious of the prevailing energy and do your best to rise beyond the negative cloud. Secondly, invoke the blessing of your higher source, by whatever name you wish to call it. The way through this time is to be conscious and call upon help greater than we normally recognize. It is there.

Aries: Past and present efforts to research or dig up facts are now helpful to further your progress. Sharing yourself honestly with a significant other can give you a sense of relief. Money or favors you have given in the past may be returned. Aspects favor the successful completion of formal loans.

Taurus: About this time every year you are "called" to clean up your daily health routines and tighten your determination to develop better organization in your life. This year the energies are similar but multiplied tenfold. Stressors in your life are affecting you physically and it is imperative that you work it off with exercise if possible.

Gemini: The next two weeks focus your attention on the subject of healing. This may develop on the physical, mental or emotional plane. Given the mind-body connection, it is probable that work on the emotional level will heal you physically and vice-versa. If it is not you who is healing, then it is someone significant in your life to whom you are attending.

Cancer: Concerns about property and family matters are heavy at this time. You want to be fair and even-handed with everyone, but sometimes it just can't be done. Perhaps someone is attempting to pressure you into guilty feelings over things done long ago. Is it really necessary to play out the guilt routine?

Leo: During this equinox period, changes in your work environment will pressure you to overcome your pride. You must adapt, whether or not this is what you want. You recognize the mandate to transform yourself through better health habits. Aging vehicles may break down. Issues involving siblings or roommates require attention.

Virgo: It is time to look closely at the subject of health and daily routines. Most Virgos are good to themselves related to physical health, but sometimes suffer from obsessing over problems. This, of course, is not good for your emotional health. Decide what fears you can relinquish, so that your daily life will be happier.

Scorpio: You made a significant decision for change in the winter of 2009-'10. Perhaps transition was more or less forced upon you. At this time the consequences of such change is apparent in your primary relationships, for good or ill. Mending of relationships concerning siblings, neighbors, and/or roommates are needed now.

Sagittarius: Your attention is refocusing on home, property and family. There may be some remodeling projects you have at home that need to be completed and this fall is the time to accomplish that. Some will experience the return of a family member who has been absent for several months or more.

Capricorn: A challenging issue concerning the ethics and morality of business is on your plate. You may be able to draw on previously developed power to slide around this. The question is: Who do you want to be? Are you growing in the direction of maturity? Or are you following the usual norms of societal norms, which carries the motto: "Money is Everything."

Aquarius: Important decisions are at hand that may have far-reaching consequences. This might involve a moral, ethical or legal dilemma. If travel is involved, prepare for any contingent delays or detours in your path. You have the opportunity to bring traditional and contemporary together during this period.

Pisces: You are moving through a year in which you prove to yourself that you can be "quite independent, thank you very much." This has been uncommon in your experience of life, although you could have chosen self-determination at anytime. At this point you enjoy your solitude, but probably this is not a permanent theme.

Are you interested in a personal horoscope? Vivian Carol may be reached at 704-366-3777 for private psychotherapy or astrology appointments for a fee. See for info.