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Weekly horoscope (Oct. 19-25)



Libra The Scales (Sept. 22-Oct. 22)

Your love of luxury and fine things may cause a battle with your partner, who prefers to keep the belt tightened. This reflects a genuine inner conflict. A fairly strong part of you is also wanting to play it safe as well as buy what pleases you. Look for a way to satisfy your wants a little more inexpensively.

For All Signs: Venus, goddess of love, beauty and harmony, is challenged from every direction for the next two weeks. Relationships that are faltering due to poor foundations may have a difficult time moving beyond this period in peace. This includes individual, governmental and global participants. Those that cannot be healed in some way may need to separate and find more compatible companions elsewhere. Even those relationships which have a solid core may require tweaking and negotiation to improve their processes and direction.

Aries: You and another may be in different camps at this time. You could be in conflict over issues of shared resources, which may also include the subjects of intimacy and sexuality. The one who plays Venus' role is the one asking for more sharing. Sexual desire is strong at this time but can be thwarted by lack of attention to the communion of hearts.

Taurus: This is a time of evaluation. The subject at hand is a new relationship beginning or a fresh promise in an ongoing partnership that developed late in the spring of 2011. If you want to grow this relationship further, then a new surge of energy and resources are required. You must decide if it is worth the effort.

Gemini: You are looking for a way to make improvements in your job or the working environment. This may require some experimentation. You'll be turning your ideas over this way and that, searching out the best solution. It is an interesting learning experience and one which others may share with you.

Cancer: You may feel out of sorts this week. Your feelings are in conflict with your ideal self and your values. You want to put your best foot forward, but circumstances do not feel quite right. Bring closure to small projects. Wait until after the New Moon on the 26th to begin new ones.

Leo: Your attention shifts toward home, hearth and family as it often does at this time of year. You may have a strong need to clean out debris, get out in the yard and generally make things ready for winter. This will require three or four weeks, after which you will shift to the holiday preparations. It is your natural solar rhythm.

Virgo: You are caught between what you should do and what you want to do. The routine is safe, but also boring. Your mind may play tricks on you and you could be distracted easily. This is not a good time to do work that requires attention to fine details. You are feeling independent, so you may want more alone time than is the norm.

Scorpio: This is not your best week for getting along with others on the playground or at home. Even if you keep to yourself, you may attract those who want to take pokes at you. Don't get caught up in a battle of wills. The energies are short-lived; no more than a couple of weeks, and you can return to harmony.

Sagittarius: This is a time in which your exuberance and enthusiasm may carry you farther than you really intended to go. You will certainly have more energy to do whatever you choose, but take care that you don't promise way more than you can deliver. Your warm and generous heart could have a heyday.

Capricorn: There is tension in your relationship sector. Partners or even friends may be goading you toward a fight. Most of it is over ego stuff and not worth your attention. You do not have to prove anything here. They just want to "best" you somehow. Pay close attention to your billfold. Pickpockets may be floating about.

Aquarius: You may have a nagging sense of boredom this week. Your normal routine may feel repetitive and in need of change. The "authorities," whomever they may be, will probably argue with your need for change. These folks are much more into the security of tried and true sameness.

Pisces: During the next two weeks, you will be contemplating your existence. You are thinking about how you can position yourself in order to feel more sense of meaning in your work, your family and your relationships. Some may be pondering on the level of the spiritual. "What is the 'best' that I can become?"

Are you interested in a personal horoscope? Vivian Carol may be reached at 704-366-3777 for private psychotherapy or astrology appointments. Website: