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Weekly horoscope (May 9-15)



Taurus The Bull (April 20-May 20)
Your outlook is optimistic and encouraging to yourself and others this week. Romance and social life are high on the agenda. Your ruling planet, Venus, is turning retrograde at the end of the week. You likely will change your mind on purchases you thought you would make soon (see lead paragraph).

For All Signs: Venus, goddess of love, is retrograding from now through June. Many of us will be pressured to encounter ourselves and our personal behavior within the framework of our relationships. Those in shaky attachments may withdraw altogether. Dormant issues may resurface for attention. We have a tendency to "go back" to previous relationships or to re-experience former behavior patterns in the present situation. During Venus' retrograding periods we are called to wake up to any unconscious saboteurs that interfere with our ability to love. It's time to upgrade our relationship performance.

Aries: You are thinking fast and the wheels are rolling forward in your life. Others like your ideas and want to help you manifest them. The financial picture is looking up now as a new plan comes into view. This is a good time to study anything you like because your thoughts are flowing freely.

Gemini: Activities concerning family/home and property are highly positive now. This is a good time to deal with your investments and also your estate. Make note of the lead paragraph. Venus is preparing to turn retrograde in your sign. You may feel the need to back off from a relationship for a time.

Cancer: Your interests may be on "hold" this week due to a sense of obligation to an organization or to a friend. This is one of those "damned if you do" and "damned if you don't" types of situations in which you sacrifice or you will feel guilty. Don't go overboard or you might become subject to illness.

Leo: You have your eye on the big picture and it looks grand indeed. A word of caution: Your optimistic attitude and belief that you are right could cause you to become arrogant. If you want others to join your ride, give them a special place on the wagon. Share the glory.

Virgo: Any activities concerning legal matters, education, publishing, travel and the Internet are favored. This is a really good time for communications with children and/or lovers. You now have an opening to say what has been on your mind for several months. Others may be more open to "hearing" it now.

Libra: Please make note of the lead paragraph. The story is about Venus, your ruling planet, preparing to turn retrograde. Avoid impulsive moves this week, especially if they are expensive, because next week you may wish you had not taken the plunge. You may feel like shifting to introversion for the next few weeks.

Scorpio: At last! A fine week for Scorpio, after such a challenging 1st quarter! A partner, consultant or very good friend offers encouragement and helps you make a new beginning. Social life is positive. You are on the healing track now.

Sagittarius: Your mood is expansive and optimistic this week. It is one of those "good luck" times that occasionally happen to the Archers. You have a grasp of the big picture and could use this energy to promote your projects and gain support. Or you might simply kick back and enjoy the good feelings.

Capricorn: You have multiple challenging aspects this week. Forward motion is stymied on several fronts. This may be a good time to kick back and go with the flow. Working alone is probably a good option because the circumstances around you are not in sync.

Aquarius: This is a challenging week. It seems that everything you want to do has the word "wait" tied to it. You can't move forward on this because you have to wait for that. You are missing some of the parts to your plan and must be still. This condition is temporary.

Pisces: This is a fine time to enjoy books and/or TV, meditate and journal. Give yourself time for self-exploration and even just "diddling around" and relaxing. Your dreams are meaningful and your intuition strong. It is a fine time to go on a short trip for some R&R.

Are you interested in a personal horoscope? Vivian Carol may be reached at 704-366-3777 for private psychotherapy or astrology appointments. (There is a fee.)