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Weekly horoscope for May 12-18, 2010



Taurus The Bull (April 20-May 19):

You are caught in the middle between two factions or attitudes: one is optimistic and wants to move forward; the other is much more conservative. It is up to you to arrive at a balanced place. Moderation is usually the best choice.

For All Signs: The new moon in Taurus occurs at 9:04 p.m. on EDT. This, of course, is an annual occurrence every May. Taurus is a sign of manifestation, a time when spring is beginning to move toward summer. The cosmic message urges us to give attention to the concrete outcomes of our past behaviors. This is a time for clarifying our goals and questioning whether they match our genuine values. In a vegetable garden, we can barely see the sprouts of what has been planted. Does it appear that the plants are hardy and will withstand the rigors of the summer sun? Early problems become apparent now and we can make adjustments if we attend to it quickly.

Aries: This is not the best week for mechanical objects. Breakage or failures are highly possible. Your reflexes are strung too tightly so make an effort to relax muscles and concentrate on steady, but consistent forward motion.

Gemini: You are clearly the Twins this week. The stronger one leans toward partying, self-indulgence and play. The second twin is more in touch with the rules and boundaries of your life and health. It looks as though you will play through the beginning of the week, then shift to the rules after the weekend.

Cancer: You may have an internal skirmish on the subject of caring for others versus doing something more to your liking. Right now it appears the Other wins most of your attention, but you may find some time on the side to pursue your personal interests.

Leo: You may come up with cost-effective initiatives for your home or company finances. Set your mind to it and you will generate good ideas. Use your best tact and diplomacy to persuade others. Don't get caught into a skirmish with the Powers that Be.

Virgo: This will be a generally good week. Others will recognize and applaud you or a project you have accomplished. Your ruling planet, Mercury, is stationary, which suggests a sense of fence-sitting or waiting for circumstances to change so you can make a decision. Let it happen naturally.

Libra: You are in the midst of a decision between two poles. One side is expansive and moves forward with an optimistic attitude. The other is more conservative and interested in self-protection. At present you lean away from risk-taking, but the pendulum will swing the other way in time.

Scorpio: Give special attention to how you speak now. You probably mean to be honest, but your tone of voice may carry an attitude that particularly annoys others. You may be angry about one situation but the attitude flows over to others.

Sagittarius: Although your mind so wants to move on to the next thing, the time is not quite right to depart the previous cycle. Since January your attention has been on redecorating or somehow making improvements to your home. Your mind wants to shift gears, but you need to clean up the debris first.

Capricorn: Circumstances involving love life and money may feel a bit tight. You may experience an emotional droop near the 18th, in which you perceive yourself to be alone in the world. This is a temporary mood, so don't take it seriously.

Aquarius: Necessary expenses (those not of the "fun" type) may develop this week. If not that, you could be having a little blue mood. It is one of those times when we become aware that our loved ones can never know or understand fully what is inside of us.

Pisces: Warning to those on diet and exercise programs: this week it is just too easy to break training. Now is a time in which you feel more outgoing and extroverted. Social life is a pleasure.

Are you interested in a personal horoscope? Vivian Carol may be reached at 704-366-3777 for private psychotherapy or astrology appointments. Web site: