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Weekly Horoscope for June 17-23, 2009



Gemini The Twins: (May 20-June 21)

This is a period in which you will likely fall back into earlier patterns of thinking in order to preserve your ego. You are a rationalist, one who can use words to suit your purpose of the moment. Think carefully: might you be twisting words to preserve your ego?

For All Signs: Venus and Mars, the archetypal couple, come together in the sign of Taurus on June 21. It is unusual that we are having two conjunctions of these planets, only two months apart. The first one has occurred on April 21. Symbolism around it suggested the closure of former relationships, particularly the ones that may have begun near September 2008. The second conjunction is June 21 and it is in a much happier situation. Relationships that begin now have a greater-than-average possibility of remaining long-term, loyal and productive. This time represents a new cycle.

Aries: Please give attention to the lead paragraph because Mars is your ruling planet. You have a good opportunity to start anew in ongoing relationships this month. A "new" cycle is also beginning concerning finances. Clarify your present condition and plan a budget for the future.

Taurus: This month's Venus/Mars alignment brings you face to face with your identity versus your relationship. You have a need to evaluate how you will manage to meet your personal needs and yet hold on to the connection to another. Aspects suggest that loyalty and stability are the keys.

Cancer: Your plans and ideas may be challenged by another at this time. In order to hold your own in this situation, you must have clarity about who you have become. Do your best to generate a win-win situation out of the duel, and avoid a frank battle of wills. Each of you has a truth.

Leo: Before the weekend you may be enjoying a "vacation," whether or not you go to the beach. Find some way to feed your inner self. After the weekend there are challenges concerning work, your routine environment or home maintenance.

Virgo: Aspects suggest there is favorable news or positive return regarding travel, the Internet, the law or educational interests. It appears you may be required to take a step backward regarding your contribution to society. Perhaps it is merely a need to remember the past and modernize it now.

Libra: You could fall in love during this period of the Venus/Mars alignment. It appears that you may be thinking about sharing your resources with another. On the personal level, it represents a partner. But it may also be less personal, as in a new investment venture.

Scorpio: Please note the lead paragraph. This is a highly significant period in your primary relationship(s). You have issues to work through and healing to do for both of you. Sidestep the temptation to drill your truth into the mind of another.

Sagittarius: Your mood is expansive and optimistic this week. It is one of those "good luck" times that occasionally happen to the Archers. Your exuberance and enthusiasm may carry you farther than you really intended to go. If money is an issue, leave credit cards at home.

Capricorn: Activities and interests concerning legal, educational and travel interests are positive. It looks as though the relationship section needs work. You may have taken over too much control of things and the "other" wants to speak a truth that belongs to him/her.

Aquarius: This is a favorable week for the Waterbearers. Family relationships are supportive and romance is a possibility. This time frame might bring a vacation. Certainly your tendency to "woolgather" is active and pleasant.

Pisces: You have your eye on the big picture, and it looks grand indeed. A word of caution: Your optimistic attitude and belief that you are right could cause you to become arrogant. Share the glory.

Are you interested in a personal horoscope? Vivian Carol may be reached at 704-366-3777 for private psychotherapy or astrology appointments. Web site: http//