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Weekly horoscope (Feb. 8-14)



Aquarius The Waterbearer (Jan. 19-Feb. 18)

As Neptune transits your second house of income, your accustomed means of making a living will likely change. During this 14-year period, money and resources will flow in and then out again, mimicking the ocean waves. You become a conduit. Learn to allow yourself to float with it as though you were in the water.

For All Signs: Neptune is a slow-moving planet which has been flirting with the sign of Pisces since last summer. This week it will finally move firmly into Pisces and will remain there for 14 years. Below you will see the types of experiences that you likely will have. Keep in mind this is a 14-year situation. Not everything will happen this week. Check your Sun sign and your Ascending sign below for the meaning of this transit. This is a long-term prediction and a keeper.

Aries: Neptune, god of the sea, will be flowing through the territory of your unconscious mind. You may develop an active dream life. You might have a need to explore this territory through journaling, the arts, or counseling. Psychic vampires may be intrusive until you find out why your unconscious is calling them.

Taurus: During the next 14 years, your former sense of community may become scattered. This could be due to a move to a different territory. You could change your taste in churches or other organizations that have previously given you a sense of identity. As you move into a different world of community, it is important that you open your mind. Don't close yourself into a cocoon.

Image credit: The Unreasonable Man

Gemini: The overall effect of this transit is to loosen your ties to that which you consider representative of your security in life. Maybe it is time for you to become acquainted with the spiritual as a genuine support factor in your consciousness. Beware of the potential for water problems concerning your property.

Cancer: Neptune is moving into the life sector of higher education, publishing, the law, the Internet and religious institutions. Your attitude about one or more of these life experiences is likely to become disenchanted. You may discover that which was working before is not really serving you as you wish. Thought and adjustments need to be made.

Leo: Use alert consciousness in the area of debt. It could become easy for you to fool yourself into not noticing how the credit cards are filling. Make every effort to create a savings plan and hold yourself accountable to it. Money and resources might slide right through your fingers. If you have depended on others for income, that resource may now begin to vaporize.

Virgo: Your need to serve humanity in some way is strongly activated at this time. Your compassion is a mantel on your shoulders now. Unfortunately, there are those who can sense it and will seek to take advantage of your good nature and kindness. Practice wise discernment.

Libra: Your accustomed workplace may be altered, moved or otherwise changed into something lacking in the usual structure. Perhaps you begin to work from your car or while traveling, so the scenery shifts frequently. Be conscious of your health. You might be developing allergies or over-reacting to chemicals that have previously been customary in your environment.

Scorpio: You might become enchanted or disenchanted with a lover during these years. Neptune can cause you to see what you want to see in another and then later recognize the real truth. Those with children need to be especially careful to protect them from drugs or chemicals in the environment. For those who gamble, it is definitely time to quit.

Sagittarius: You may come to a point in which you realize your career is not as fulfilling as you once thought. Sometimes it represents a layoff or a burn-out. Work in which you can use your intuitive sense and/or your skills as an artist could be appealing. Recognize this is a process and hold to your sense of faith in the future.

Capricorn: People who strike you as really strange could move into your neighborhood. It might develop a "transitional" reputation. For those who are open-minded, this will be no problem. However, if you are not, it is probably time to consider preparing to move because others will follow. Those with siblings may need to offer assistance.

Pisces: This is a time in which your faith in the spirit of your understanding is your best ally. You may feel compelled to follow a path that is questionable to folks in a more grounded world. It is possible your interest in the necessary worldly factors of food, housing and money is taking second place to the ideal you seek now. Do concentrate on giving attention to your body.

Are you interested in a personal horoscope? Vivian Carol may be reached at 704-366-3777 for private psychotherapy or astrology appointments. There is a fee. Website: