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Weekly horoscope (Feb. 16-22)



Pisces The Fish (Feb. 18-March 19)

Focus intently on that which gives you spiritual uplifting during this period. You are in need of healing on some level, whether emotional or physical. Stay alert this week. You will encounter a casual acquaintance who may accidentally offer the information you really need to take the next step.

For All Signs: The Jupiter/Uranus conjunction remains in orb and continues to excite our imaginations. Uranus speaks of the rebellious side of our natures, the side that wants to be free of rules and regs. Many of us remain blissfully unaware of it except on rare occasions when that energy breaks through the psyche and causes us to declare mutiny against whoever or whatever has kept us bound. Changes which appear sudden and unexpected drop onto the scene and it is time for quick adaptation. Sometimes the changes have been brewing in the background for a long time and then appear abruptly. Jupiter is the largest planet and expands whatever it touches. Suddenly the lightning strikes that opens the door into fresh possibilities and new perspectives. It has been known to bring great fortune. Sometimes the action appears to be the exact opposite in the moment, but in light of time we realize it was the best thing that could have ever happened.

Aries: Note the lead paragraph as it particularly pertains to your sign. You have an itch that wants to be scratched. Right now you are thinking, thinking, thinking about whether the break for freedom is the right thing for you. Do your research but do not make definite moves until the beginning of April. It will feel more solid at that time.

Taurus: Your ambition is particularly strong right now. Yet you feel inhibited by the rules or the expectations of your daily work environment. Somehow it is a challenge to express your best in this situation. You are an apprentice, according to the world, and it just is not yet time to shine. But your moment will come.

Gemini: You are somewhat edgy and irritable this week. Parts of your mind are scattered into so many corners that it is hard to pull everything together. But you know clearly where boundaries need to be drawn and you are not hesitant to do so. The best of verbal warriors is concise and says what is needed, but no more.

Cancer: Worries and shadows that may plague you at the beginning of the week fade away as solutions and answers are found by the week end. A shift in your overall perspective will turn darkness into daisies as you find what is "right" about the world rather than what is "wrong."

Leo: Aspects this week could lead you into giving up your own wishes in order to keep the peace. Sometimes that is necessary, but this time you may be fooling yourself. You might be thinking that the trade is worth it, but the reality is that you won't be able to maintain the shift for very long.

Virgo: A financial change either at home or at work has upset your apple cart and frazzed your mind. You have what it takes to figure your way through this shift, so tell the insecure ego to hush. This is a temporary thing and in the big picture probably won't matter in five years. Keep your files backed up.

Libra: Although self consciousness is uncommon in your sign, you may be struggling with it this week. Perhaps you are overly concerned about your appearance. It might be one of those times when we become aware that our loved ones can never know or understand fully what is inside of us. The sense of isolation is an existential dilemma that everyone encounters now and then. It will pass quickly.

Scorpio: You are concentrating on making a big change related to employment in your life. Sometimes Scorpio remains too long in one place simply because it is a known factor. But now you are itching to make your money in another way. Keep plugging away at it. A move or rearrangement in your home quarters may help you to reorganize your thinking.

Sagittarius: Read the lead paragraph because Jupiter is your planetary ruler. As it conjuncts Uranus you may in fact be making some kind of breakthrough that will give you renewed freedom to creatively express yourself in your life. Some will change perspectives and decide to have a child. Others may find a lover who opens many doorways.

Capricorn: You may be taking a sober look at one or more relationships. Even the very closest friends cannot know each other from the inside. Sometimes we forget this fact and need to become aware that we are actually separate beings, helping when we can. Sometimes our energy is too low to be there for one another.

Aquarius: You have so much rattling around in your mind right now that it is hard to hang onto a sense of stability. Important changes need to be made, but the very idea challenges your sense of security. If you do not know how to make the transition, let it float in the back of your mind until the mental chatter relaxes. An idea will soon come to you.

Are you interested in a personal horoscope? Vivian Carol may be reached at 704-366-3777 for private psychotherapy or astrology appointments. (There is a fee.) Website: