Planning Ahead: A woman reported that her car was broken into and items were stolen, the most surprising of which, to her, was her refill of birth control pills.
Bad Business Decision: A man looking for his missing wallet went back to his insurance company, where he remembered having it last. When he asked the agent that helped him earlier if she had seen the wallet, she said she had given it to someone else. The wallet had his photo driver's license in it, as well as a portrait of his family.
First Come First Served: A local hotel reported that an unknown object was used to gain entry into one of their unoccupied rooms. Nothing was taken from the room, but the evidence left behind indicated that finding a place to have sex was probably the motive for the break in.
Ski No Evil: A man's car was broken into while it was parked in his driveway. He may not have been able to hear the break-in or see the culprits because his hearing aid and bi-focal prescription glasses were stolen from the car, along with his skiing sunglasses.
Virtual Threats: A man was threatened by someone through e-mail and AOL Instant Messenger. The e-mails and messages include derogatory statements about the man's ethnic background and say that he should be dead because of it. The man says he feels threatened and scared.
Wake Up Call: After a man thought an argument with his live-in girlfriend was over, she gave notice that things hadn't quite been smoothed out by hitting him over the head with a pot.
A Shave And A Smoke: An officer was sent to the scene of a burglar alarm that had gone off. When he got there, he saw that someone had broken into the business, and that the only items that were missing were some Norelco razors and packages of Winston, Marlboro, and Newport cigarettes.
Order To Go: A distraught pizza delivery guy stated that an unknown person took pizza, wings, and a two-liter soda from his car while he was attempting to make a delivery.
Promising Situation: A woman said she was being harassed on a regular basis at her job by another female employee. Taking matters into her own hands, during their latest argument the harassed woman pushed the harasser woman down on the floor and told her she wasn't going to get off her until she promised not to mess with her again.
Drink and Dash: A local couple scammed their way into getting free drinks at an uptown restaurant. When they couldn't pay their $58 bar tab, the woman told the bartender she would get the money from an ATM. Instead, she ran out the front door and into the car of her waiting friend. The drunken pair was last spotted driving away on 7th Street.
Deep Fried: In the three hours that a north Charlotte woman left her propane deep fryer-cooker unattended on her porch, a thief had time to spot and swipe it.
Blotter items are chosen from the files of the Charlotte Police Department.