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The Blotter

Blotter items are chosen from the files of the Charlotte Police Department.


This Is Your Brain On Drugs: An employer and his live-in caregiver had a work agreement, but the employer told the caregiver he was terminating the agreement earlier than agreed to because of the caregiver's drug and alcohol use. The caregiver became irate and told his employer, "I'll kick your ass, your Daddy's ass and your brother's ass!" He left the house but later returned with this addendum: "If you change the locks on the door, I'll kick the door to get in."

First Annual FoamFest: A man called police after someone entered his building, took the fire extinguisher out of its brackets, and sprayed it in the hallway on the third and eighth floors.

Next Time, Order a Pitcher: Using only beer bottles, a man did damage to another man's home by standing outside and throwing the bottles at the front of the house. The bottles broke against the house and defaced the exterior.

Fowl Play: A hungry, albeit deceitful, man used a bad credit card to buy an entire case of chicken.

Spittin' Mad: After being banned from entering a business, a man went back in and spit in an employee's face, and told him he wanted the employee to come outside so he could kick his ass. The employee declined the invitation and, instead, called his local police department.

Courteous Enough To Use Regular: After pumping 14 gallons of regular unleaded gas totaling $21 into his car, a man got back in the car and drove off without paying.

Gasoline Bump Up: In another gas station adventure, a man told police that while he was pumping gas into his car, someone backed his car into the pumper's car -- and then, you'll never guess, fled the scene!

Selective Protest: A man walked out onto his porch to find that someone had taken his American flag off the pole attached to the front porch, removed it from its bracket, torn it to shreds, and thrown it on the porch in front of the door. Other flags in the neighborhood were not bothered.

This Little Light Of Mine: For reasons no one has been able to figure out, someone dumped two bags of fluorescent light bulbs and ballasts on the side of the road near a man's home.

Coming Right Up: Hardware Store Visit: A woman went to the trouble to call the police when someone apparently shot out a primary light in her backyard with a BB gun.

Calling All Thugs: Two men began arguing. The dispute escalated and they began to scuffle, during which one of the men broke the other guy's sunglasses and took his cellphone.

Go, Speed Racer, Go: Someone called a business to tell them there were two people in the caller's apartment complex riding around on a go-cart owned by the business. The employee figured out that the go-cart had been taken off of the property without permission and called the cops. The go-cart was later found abandoned a few blocks away.

With Friends Like These: A man noticed that his cellphone was missing. The last place he remembered having it was at a friend's house, where a few people had been gathered around the kitchen table. He returned to the house to retrieve the phone, but no one admitted to having seen it.

No Check, Please: Three men walked out of a local restaurant without paying their bill. They were stopped and confronted about it by restaurant employees, but they simply continued to walk out and drove away.