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The Blotter


Aged Opportunist:
After a patient in a group home ran away, another man in the home stole the runaway's shoes.

Family Love Nest:
A woman called police after her aunt approached her and accused her of having an affair with her boyfriend. The aunt became increasingly agitated until she struck the woman in the head and face three times with her fists and a telephone.

Egg Beaters:
A man discovered that someone had damaged three windows at his house and had thrown eggs on the windshield of his car.

Gourmet Thief:
A local business was robbed of its food processor.

You'll Shoot Your Eye Out:
A man called police after discovering that one of the windows of his home had been shot out by someone with a pellet gun.

30 Minutes Or Less:
A pizza delivery guy had two large pizzas and the cash he had collected that evening stolen by two men who threatened him and pulled a gun on him.

That's Some Handbag:
A woman at a grocery store bought a few items, but was stopped before leaving the store. The store manager found that the woman had put a coffeepot, some cans of Ensure and cat food in her handbag.

Two kids were watched by a store clerk as they attempted to steal a handheld video game, six taffy candies and a pack of playing cards. The kids tried to exit the store without paying, but they were stopped and police called. The kids were later released to the custody of their parents.

Squeaky Clean:
While getting his car washed at an automated car wash, a man heard a godawful noise. After the wash was finished, he examined his car and saw that the muffler had been pulled off the undercarriage of his car.

Front Porch Blues:
While he was away, someone took two antique crockery pots from a man's front porch.

Front Porch Blues Again:
A woman reported that someone had stolen a small barbecue grill and a dog bed worth $80 from her front porch.

Everything But The Kitchen Sink:
While no one was at home, a thief, or thieves, broke into a family's house and got away with a washer and dryer, couches, chairs, a bookshelf,

and a nightstand. No word on whether a dog bed was taken.

Fool Me Twice. . .:
While some acquaintances were moving, a woman let them borrow her car on condition that it be returned in two hours. When the car wasn't returned in time, she tried calling the acquaintances but got no answer. The woman said that she had loaned the car to the same acquaintances previously and that they didn't bring back the car when promised that time, either.

A Simple Crime:
A man walked into a tobacco store, asked for three packs of cigarettes, took them off the counter, and left without paying.

Kid Rock:
A man called police after two juveniles threw rocks at the front of his house, damaging one of the glass windows. The juveniles fled on foot back to their homes where police later questioned them.

Family Affair:
A woman called police after her sister refused to leave her home. The woman told police that her sister was homeless and so she was letting her stay in her apartment, but after 15 days had passed without the sister paying any bills or rent, the woman's charitable tendencies had burned out.

This Bud's For Me:
After being told that he couldn't buy a case of beer, a man simply picked up the brew and walked out of the store.

While driving down the road, a man tried to clear up his windshield, which had fogged up. He let his car drift too far to the right and he hit a car parked on the side of the road, tearing off his own fender. The driver fled the scene, but the VIN number was retrieved from the fender, and he was later confronted by police at his home and issued a citation.

Unfinished Job:
A man called police after noticing that someone had spray painted the entire driver's side of his car.

Blotter items are chosen from the files of the Charlotte Police Department.