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May 11 -- May 17, 2006


The Bull (April 20 -- May 19)

You are energized by a dash of general optimism and will enjoy the company of others. It is important to hold onto your sense of humor throughout the week, especially when conversations become intense. Remember that no one ever has the whole truth.

For All Signs On May 13 we will experience the full moon in the sign of Scorpio at 2:51am EDT. Full Moons represent coming to full awareness in some particular area of life. The Scorpio full moon calls for clarity of consciousness regarding the issue of sharing and intimacy. (It is interesting that our psychological reactions in the areas of money and intimacy are often very similar.) Unmet needs, whether our own or those of a significant other, sound the bugle call to attention and we take steps to rectify matters.

Aries Cosmic energies of the week favor contracts and agreements, educational activities and accomplishing projects around your home or other property. If you have applied for a loan, there is likely to be a delay in the process. It may not be the best solution to your situation anyway.

Gemini Use special care with your speech and tone of voice now. You are prone to perceive your thoughts and beliefs as the final truth. It is also possible that you will be subjected to the arrogance of another. The potential for misunderstandings is strong on the 14th and 15th.

Cancer This is a good week for contracts or other agreements. You are more social than usual at this time. Activities near the 11th are intense and may feel dramatic. Lectures, workshops or other educational experiences are favored.

Leo Saturn has been in your sign since last July and will be so for many months. It is a sobering influence. You are searching for a way to be in the world that suits your changing self-definition. A decision is developing by the end of the week that will be important to your future.

Virgo Activities involving travel, connections with those at a distance, the Internet, education and/or publishing are favored. You are likely to be teaching, even if that is not the norm for you. A colleague or employee may generate confusion or other problems. Ignore gossip.

Libra Your primary relationship and/or partnership is flowing through a favorable zone. Healing is transpiring, whether that be a healing of a personal wound or one that the relationship is enjoying. This is also a positive time to allow your creative juices room to flow.

Scorpio Be sure to read the lead paragraph. It especially pertains to you. Near the 16th and 17th you must slow down and make adjustments. This may be due to physical health, a mechanical problem or the need to wait for someone/something else so you can proceed.

Sagittarius Experiences of this week serve to make you highly aware of self-care issues. You are prone to excesses during this period and these are interfering with your forward motion in self-improvement. Search your mind for hints of grandiosity that aggravate the situation.

Capricorn Give careful thought to whatever you wish to accomplish. What you do at this time will be unfolding for three months, so it is best to be clear and well directed at this beginning. Consciousness and focused intention will have much influence on the outcome.

Aquarius Communications could be a mess this week. Concentrate before you speak and double check to make sure you are understood properly. Do not assume that you grasped a message unless you check once to make certain. You may be operating on a different plane from the rest of the world.

Pisces If you are having negative feelings, give attention to your self-talk. You sometimes think of yourself as a victim which causes you to feel defenseless and helpless. Thoughts can be changed. You do not have to stay in that place.

Are you interested in a personal horoscope? Vivian Carol may be reached at 704-366-3777 for private psychotherapy or astrology appointments. Web site: