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Mar. 2 -- Mar. 8, 2006


The Fish: (Feb. 18 -- Mar. 19)

This Mercury retrograde will particularly affect you and your schedule. If traveling, double check all reservations and build in safeguards for lost luggage, keys, and other small items. An old issue that carries emotional intensity is likely to surface this week. Bear in mind that you are not as objective as you think.

For All Signs Mercury watchers will be interested to know that this planet turns retrograde now for three weeks in the sign of Pisces. We experience this phenomenon three times per year at irregular intervals. Its emphasis on the sign of the Fish suggests more fog and mirrors in our communications than is usual for the retrograde periods. It is a particularly good time to probe the past or the unconscious in order to access information that is normally hidden from the view. These retrograde periods are best used to finish projects, reflect, peer below the surface, and research needed information.

Aries This is a week that may bring a healing balm between you and a friend, or alternatively between you and a sibling. Whatever the old hurt, finally enough time has lapsed that you can each discuss the situation from a more objective perspective.

Taurus This week may bring particularly upbeat experiences related to communications with those at a distance, the Internet, education, legal interests, publishing, and/or travel. Those things that can be completed within a few days will go most smoothly.

Gemini This week you may experience déjà vu when a painful issue of the past is replicated. It is at least close enough to a previous episode that you may react more strongly than anyone would expect. You are not what you believe. You do not have to fight for survival if someone disagrees with you.

Cancer Clean up dangling details quickly this week. The month of March is rapidly going to become a zoo. Both the full moon and the new moon are eclipsed, which means that everything will feel intense and important to you. Concentrate on remaining grounded.

Leo As Mercury turns retrograde in your eighth house of "joint resources," you will likely experience a need to go back and review financial history. Given this is tax time, be alert to the probability of errors. You may make them, or you may discover and correct them.

Virgo When Mercury retrogrades it is always significant for you. On this month's retrograde journey, you will experience changing tides in your significant relationship(s). It may be hard to draw conclusions because the "other" can't make up his/her mind.

Libra Making your life more efficient and organized continues to carry a priority. You also want to have beautiful surroundings and you may be doing something about that right now. Love life as well as relationship(s) to children will be taking a turn for the better over the next month.

Scorpio Be particularly careful of gossip or other personal exchanges with coworkers at this time. Your words may be misunderstood and given an unwelcome twist. You may feel that it is imperative others really understand, but it is not likely they will.

Sagittarius This will be a particularly interesting week. Intensity is the byword. Nothing is humdrum. You have wonderful aspects for love, romance, and social life. Family life may be intense because you or the Other feel compelled to argue a point to the death.

Capricorn There is something to celebrate early in the week. Your attitude is upbeat and you have reason for positive expectations ahead. Love life is favorable. Your creative energy is on a roll. You don't match your sobersides reputation this week.

Aquarius This is an excellent time to discuss feelings with a lover or with your children. You may find a sense of healing while engaging in the conversation. Take your time and be certain that both you and the other understand the same things in the same ways.

Are you interested in a personal horoscope? Vivian Carol may be reached at 704-366-3777 for private psychotherapy or astrology appointments. Web site: