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Jan. 12 -- Jan. 18, 2006


The Goat (Dec. 21-- Jan. 19)

It seems as though the Goats have had few romantic aspects in the last few months. But this week could make up for it all. Energies favor relationship(s) to lovers, children, and even business contacts. Your attitude is upbeat and optimistic and your heart is singing.

For All Signs This is a time when the grand scheme looks especially inviting. We will be tempted to spend money beyond the practical and to make other promises that will eventually become a challenge to keep. It could be difficult to remain grounded in almost any endeavor, unless we make a conscious effort to be realistic. Romance and fantasy is where we would rather spend our time right now and so many people are in that space that it is easy to float above the planet.

Aries You have a mindset of freedom at all costs. Maybe you really do need to declare your independence, but make an effort to consider others' feelings as well. Be aware of a temptation to dig in your heels about your needs or beliefs. It will not serve your purposes in the long run.

Taurus Give special attention to the lead paragraph, Rams. This phenomenon is particularly affecting you. Right now it may seem as though you could make anything happen through sheer force of will. Use this burst of energy to tackle a big project that could be finished fairly soon.

Gemini This is a highly favorable time to enjoy love life and romance. Someone, a former lover or a departed friend, returns during this period to reconnect with you. It is a period in which you will be reminiscing about happy times. Aspects generally favor career, love life, and travel.

Cancer This week is the full moon in your sign. It is exact at 4:48am on Saturday morning. Moon Children sometimes have trouble sleeping when the moon is full. Your energy level rises significantly and you want to go everywhere, do everything. It's unlikely that others could match your pace at these times.

Leo You need to achieve healing with someone who is connected to your work or everyday life. Now is the time for a discussion, apologies, and clarification about some event in the past. Be your open and generous self and you will be rewarded with a sense of inner pleasure.

Virgo The curve on love life and romance is going straight up this week. You may be contacted by a loved one from your past for a time of reconnection together. Aspects are particularly favorable for travel, legal, contractual, publishing and educational affairs.

Libra You have a strong need to organize your environment so that the space is clean and free of clutter. You may be replanning a previously designed system, now that you have experience of your needs. Love and romance energies may be extreme, either high or low. This is temporary.

Scorpio Don't let yourself give up in the wake of the Inner Critic's contempt. Work to stay aware that much of that inner chatter is grossly negative exaggeration. Maybe there are things you need to change in your life, and if so, then start. But don't allow that voice to paralyze you.

Sagittarius Beware of startling information that comes your way this week. It likely is an exaggeration. Special attention to your health regimen is warranted. However, you are tempted to make big plans that would be hard to finish. Be careful about spending commitments.

Aquarius You may be particularly fatigued after many months of super-human effort. If you can possibly take a break, do so and be kind to yourself in the process. Don't listen to the Inner Critic. It lies and distorts reality. Just turn off that tape. You don't deserve criticism from anyone.

Pisces You probably need to pay attention to your temper this week and be careful what flies out of your mouth, Although you may very well need to defend yourself, think twice before you speak. People who run over your boundaries are the ones most likely to agitate you now.

Are you interested in a personal horoscope? Vivian Carol may be reached at 704-366-3777 for private psychotherapy or astrology appointments. Web site: